

Deliverable Title
D1.1 Project mid-year report (M8)
D1.2 Project annual report (M14)
D1.3 Project Review (M20)
D1.4 Project annual report (M26)
D1.5 Project review (M32)
D1.6 Project final Review and report (M32)
D2.1 Definition of ontologies and assets to be protected per major stakeholder domain (M11)
D2.2 Definition of the security and privacy requirements for the identified use cases (M18)
D2.3 Definition of threats and security policies; high level definition of risk management (M21)
D2.4 Definition of security / privacy and forensics models (M30)
D3.1.1 Specification of HW mechanisms to be developed in various forecasted domains (M18)
D3.1.2 Key HW mechanisms (M27)
D3.2.1 Specification of generic SW architectures and of related technology bricks to be developed (M18)
D3.2.2 Key SW mechanisms (M27)
D3.3.1 External peripheral security and privacy-keeping specification (M21)
D3.3.2 SW extensions for privacy and security support (M30)
D3.4.1 State of the art of the cryptographic mechanisms of electronic signature adapted to mobility (M13)
D3.2.2 Specification of the signature application (M22)
D4.1.1 Requirement and specifications of OTA and OTI (Key, Certificate and record) provisioning and life-cycle management policies. Report on TSM capabilities for possible inclusion (M21)
D4.1.2 SW availability of all credential provisioning and LCM policies (M30)
D4.2.1 Requirement and specification of end-user SW interfaces (M21)
D4.2.2 SW availability of end-user interfaces functions (M30)
D4.3.1 Requirement and specifications for forensics tools (M20)
D4.3.2 Forensic toolset available (M32)
D5.1.1 Key requirements for the security/privacy validation and mobile device validation and forensic methodologies and tool specification (M18)
D5.1.2 Security/privacy validation and forensic first level tools (M27)
D5.2.1 Security/privacy evaluation platform definition (M30)
D5.2.2 Security/privacy evaluation test report (M35)
D5.3.1 Methodologies and tools compliance report (M30)
D5.3.2 Report on project certification methodologies impact in the international regulatory and standardization framework (M35)
D6.1.1 Overview of the various scenarios addressed (M12)
D6.1.2 Functional Requirements for the various Scenarios. Definition of scenarios scripts (possibly with high-level modelling tool) (M19)
D6.2.1 Definition of integration methodology for the scenarios (M23)
D6.3.1 Stand-alone scenarios availability (M29)
D6.3.2 Complex scenarios demonstration (M35)
D7.1 Yearly dissemination and standardization report (M12)
D7.2 Yearly dissemination and standardization report (M24)
D7.3 Final dissemination and standardization report (M36)


  • Local 1st October 2019 - Coimbra, Portugal
  • Local F2F meeting took place on 2 May 2018 - Coimbra, Portugal
  • Local F2F meeting took place on 18 September 2017 - Coimbra, Portugal
  • MobiTrust 3rd Annual Review took place on 31 May 2017
  • 7th PMB/PTB meeting toke place on 30 May 2017 - La Ciotat, France
  • Local F2F meeting took place on 20 April 2017 - Coimbra, Portugal
  • 6th PMB/PTB meeting toke place on 29/30 March 2017 - Elancourt, France
  • 5th PMB/PTB meeting toke place on 14/15 December 2016 - Sophia-Antipolis, France
  • Local F2F meeting took place on 23 November 2016 - Aveiro, Portugal
  • Local F2F meeting took place on 11 October 2016 - Castelo Branco, Portugal
  • 4th PMB/PTB meeting took place on 14/15 September 2016 - Caen, France
  • Local F2F meeting took place on 29 July 2016 - Coimbra, Portugal
  • Local F2F meeting took place on 21 June 2016 - Coimbra, Potugal
  • MobiTrust 2nd Annual Review took place on 8/9 June 2016
  • 3rd PMB/PTB meeting took place on 3 July 2015
  • 2nd PMB/PTB meeting took place on 13 May 2015
  • 1st PMB/PTB meeting took place on 11 December 2014